
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Extend Your Laptop Life with IE8.

I think the users will be surprised hearing that the browser can save you laptops battery life. In the recent research conducted by AnandTech has published the result. By using Gateway laptops run with windows XP and Vista, it continued experiments on Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. They found the IE 8 internet browser saves more than 5 percent more battery life.


It may not have even occurred to you that your choice of browser could impact your laptop's battery performance. But these new findings suggest that in some cases using IE 8 could extend your battery life by up to 40 minutes.

According to the Counter summary table that Internet Explorer has 65% usage share in internet browser market. But according to the last month report IE has lost near about 10% usage share than previous months. The research repots has brought out when IE’s popularity to internet usage share is going down day by day. Well, we are waiting to see that if they can come back to their pervious stage.


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